Lots of fun today, flew 9 batteries on the V120D02. unfortunately the last battery ended with a clasic "lawn-dart" move. click through for the video and gorry details....
The video is shot half way up Angeles Crest highway where there is a large area of prepared dirt. there is a platform up higher with some K-rails, the sides is 45deg.
The cool thing today was I realized that I was flying in "ridge lift" from the wind blowing up the side of the banks. whenever out over the sides I was flying only maybe 30% throttle to maintain altitude. the downside was the turbulent air when getting back off the bank, and suddenly needing to fly 70% throttle to maintain.
Really having a good time flying the V120D02 FPV, I modded the TX5805 to install on the V120D02
Learning to fly single-rotor FPV is a lot harder than flying the multi-rotor FPV - the single-rotor walkera picks up speed crazy fast.
Anyone know whats with the black-spots, I have never seen those before, but it is really hot in LA today, so maybe its somekind of burn-out. I should order some more 2 gram cameras from FPVhobby.com
Helicopter from Dave at WalkeraHelicopterSupply, english speaking support. nuf said.
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