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Bo Lorentzen

Hello Ariel, You need to contact James at Beholder ;-) he can help you with tech-support.

My gut feeling is that the gimbal is not balanced correctly, maybe take a moment to check the balancing before calling them :-)



Hi lorentzen
I got the beholder lite gimbal,
I flew it few times but unfortunatly the pitch motor is making vibrations which affect the image.
I guess this vibrations are not related to the quad motors nor ether to the propellers cuz you can see the vibrations even while the quad is on the ground befor taking off.

I disconnect the beholder from the flight controller (APM) (I conected it for changing the pitch/tilt angle by the radio transmitter, must say the control of pitch angle worked well)
So I disconnect the beloder from the flight controller to see is the vibrations related to this connection but it still vibrate.
I thought maybe the pitch motor itself is not well so I switched between the two motors (and ofcourse the motors conectors)
But the vibration is still on the pitch motor, witch says, Iguss, that the problem is not by the motor but somthing else.
Could you please help me???

Bo Lorentzen

Hey Roger, do a quick test, swap the pitch cable to the other out port. ;-) check if that works.

However I know they have updated the firmware on this gimbal a lot since I build it, so if its still giving you trouble, shoot a email to [email protected] he know what kinda settings need to be edited to make it work with the current configuration.

Roger Jones

I just installed the Beholder gimbal on a Phantom 1.
All the lights are on and the gimbal levels itself. Configured the transmitter with the Naza software.
The gimbal isn't responding to the transmitter.
Any suggestions ?



Bo Lorentzen

Hey Sean, that would be the link on top of the post pointing to "part two"

Sean Hunter

I am curious where your follow up video with the installation and video files are?

Bo Lorentzen

@Jeff, It will not fit a GoPro2 as is, you would need to use a strap of sorts. The GoPro3 is really a great camera, its probably worth the upgrade.


Thanks for your review. I am thinking about getting this gimbal for my phantom, but I currently have a GoPro Hero 2. Do you think there is a way to make it work with a Hero 2 or do I need to upgrade to the GoPro Hero 3 to use this gimbal?

Bo Lorentzen

Hello Michael, Being short a power drop. buy a couple of JST pig-tails on ebay. then using a knife gently scrape the plastic away on one side of one of the power cables going to the ESC. wrap the wires from the pigtail around the ESC power cables (same as main) then solder them in place. bingo you have a power-tap. wrap some electric tape a couple of times around the attachment points to make sure they are insulated.

The naza pitch have to enabled in the NAZA assistant. the gain need to be set to zero. that way only the stick input is translated.

Michael Bender

Thanks for doing the Beholder Lite video's. They were instrumental during my building process! I have the Phantom 1.1.1 in which there isn't an internal power cable to use so, is there a way to solder one onto the board or is it best just to use another 3S battery? I have been unable to get the manual pitch to work with the NAZA. I tried everyway I could think of to get it to work, but in the end gave up trying. Do you have any suggestions on getting it to function?

Bo Lorentzen

I should elaborate on the Blade props. there is a adaptor for traditional props, its probably beneficial to get those, then religiously balance each motor with the adaptor installed, once the motors are balanced, it is possible to install and use a traditionally balanced prop. to have reliable jello-free video the entire system need to be religiously balanced. Guess that is a subject for a video right there. ;-)

Bo Lorentzen

John, That is probably a blade problem more than the gimbal. The Blade is very shaky by nature ;-) the prop system on the blade is very hard to balance successfully.


Well, I bought it we put it on the blade 350QX Mounted great. Hooked up nicely, no problem. The Gimbals work great. But, here is the bad news don't waste your money on it. It jello's the video really bad, If you are shooting on your go pro to see fpv cool, but if you want footage that is rock solid. Don't due it. It really blows!


I love the gimbal but as you said the rubber mounts are a pain. The other issue not thought out properly is the mount onto the Phantom, if you have to remove it, you can't get at the mount screws without disassembling everything. The main screw is under the board and the double sided tape, so you have to remove the rubber mounts and everything else. I think they should modify the board so you can have the mounting screw through the center of it and access through the gimbal as well. In part 1 I am sure you had to take it apart to install on the Phantom.

Jake Braitman

Looks great. Really helpful video. I just ordered one. This will be my first gimbal. I have a newbie question for you. I am actually going to be using this handheld (with a fabricated handle) while I build a multirotor. Can you recommend a 3S battery and charger? Does it come with the same connector for the beholder? Also I am wondering how I can power my gopro and gimbal from the same battery? Do I need a special cable? other than the cable that comes with the gimbal. Thanks a lot for helping me.


Wow...they've made a bunch of improvements just since the beginning of last month.
the frame on the 'lite' is better and more stable and it's set up for Phantom which is wasn't before. and they didn't have a manual that could explain how to set it up. I sent mine back because I decided to go with the Arris. Love the site Bo. thanks for your guidance.

Mike Littlefield

I just watched your long video.(great by the way). I got my beholder today and will put it together here in a minute. When will you have the video for the 2nd part (where the wires go)?


Great intro review! Please let us know when you've flown it.

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