WOW. I just read the release notes on the latest WKM (WooKong Multi rotor controller) firmware.
In there with all the regular updates are a new feature that must be inspired by government influence.? DJI have restricted flight in a 15km radius of Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Big deal.?
Click through for thoughts on this interesting new feature.
1. If DJI can (and have already) do this to WKM - they can probably do it also to NAZA
2. WHO approve what restrictions is put on my hardware, my WKM did not have this when I bought it.
3. IS the only restricted areas, in fact the ones advertised in the release notes or are there more.?
Say I had purchased my WKM to do journalistic coverage of a "event" on Tiananmen Square, well then im just plain out of luck.
Once the company have created one restriction zone, I imagine a number of government agencies around the world already have registered their "demand" for similar zones other places in the world?
I cold imagine some likely restriction zones pretty easily:
Area 51 in Nevada.. (maybe they have their own GPS blocking and 2.4 control zapping?)
Surely a 15km restriction zone around the white house.?
EVERY Military and commercial airport in the world?
EVERY Seat of Government in any country in the world?
OH and the Turkish government have probably filed for some restrictions on parks in Istanbul.
Im sure the Syrian government want to restrict rebel use of Phantom quad-copters also?
You get the idea, once the door is open, clearly this can be done again. and clearly there will be demand for restrictions by lot of legitimate people. Hey, I want to keep the neighboors kids from flying over my house for sure. Question is what end up being restricted and who gets to make these choices. right now Im pretty sure its done by somebody under preassure by the Chinese government, but that somebody have demonstrated the option to the rest of the world. That somebody better stay close to the phone, it will be ringing soon.
For sure people will now have a totally different excuse to hack NAZA and WKM firmware. To make liberated version, just like the camera hacks going beyond what is intended by the manufactures.
If I was on my way to cover a demonstartion in China, I would not update my firmware just now.
This is not the end of the world, both the WKM and the NAZA can fly ATTI mode if the GPS dongle is removed (at least in the current firmware they can). Most journalistic missions can then easily be executed flying manual FPV. so we are good right.?
Its not the idea of restricted areas that bother me here, I agree that it is a terribly bad idea to fly over a airport. Whats bother me is who gets to decide whats OK and whats not, and being forced to abide to limitations set by folks I might not agree with.
Since DJI is not the only factory to make UAV flight-control systems, I would venture to guess most of these manufactures will over time be forced to lock out areas from GPS operation. possible with backdoor unlock for "permitted users". maybe at some point a firmware update will require a positive GPS lock before take-off marking the end of flying manual.?
Maybe in the future the flight-control system will demand internet access to check for flight-restrictions once a day.?
Yes I know, Im painting the door black and there will always be some good stuff left.. just saying.
Coments please.?
Additional reading on Drone Journalism dot org
DJI's official release notes can be found here.