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Bo Lorentzen

@Akos, check out this one http://www.fpvguy.com/2014/05/armattan-freaking-awesomeness.html



I'm just getting started with this FPV and quadcopter story, and would like to have my first FPV set to get practiced flying it. After digging on the net for the best and affordable (around 500 - 600 $ including radio as I don't have any equipment yet) FPV set found your suggestion with Hoten X would be optimal choice, especially with your detailed how-to.
To get the best image quality wold this FPV set work with Mobius cam instead of KeyCam 808? I guess Mobius provides even better performance and it has it's own battery so the flying time would be longer with Hoten.

On the other hand maybe there are other possibilities to set up a good FPV set with some new quads since January '14?


Bo Lorentzen

David, sorry about that.. here is the updated link:
http://www.bophoto.com/_filebin/SYSCFG.TXT simply save as TXT file.


The video mentioned a file to update the keycam, but I can't seem to find the link. Can you post it?

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