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Bo Lorentzen

Hey Luisjecheverria, basically turn on the copter and right away the transmitter.. then they should bind automatically. make sure the throttle stick is DOWN when you turn them on. after the light change blinking it is bound and you can push the throttle up to test the motors..


hi tehere, I also subcribe to see your amazing videos

I have a question, I just got Walkera QRY100 with dev4 transmitter & I don't Know how to set up transmitter, can you help me?

with the iPhone works great, but with I just can't make the transmitter work


That is what I was thinking but I just wanted to hear it from someone that knows copter better thank you and looking forward for more videos and can't wait to get the scout

Bo Lorentzen

Hey Timothy, I would get a TX5801 with camera and radio build in, plug it into power from the Y100 you can see that on the F4. :-)


So I have the qr y100 and want to upgrade the camera and take out the wifi transmitter and old camera but I am trying to find a camera that will fit into the hull of the y100 and work with the live video on my devo f4 you have any ideas?

Bo Lorentzen

Matt, I have not really tested the WiFi with the Devo4 setup, I only flew the Y100 as straight LOS with the 808 camera mounted under the Y100. ;-)

Matt Maser

Thanks Bo, so far I have not had much luck with connecting to wifi with my droid for the video feed when its paired with my radio. Almost like the 2 devices are fighting over the connection. I briefly get video, but then soon after a white background. The code pairing is in reverse order for the 2 devices as well: Radio on first then connect power to the Hex. Using droid however you power on the Hex first so the wifi network appears then you can connect with the phone. Have you been able to test this out and if so, what was your process. Other than that and challenges calibrating the compass this has been a great trainer. Thanks again.

Bo Lorentzen

Matt, yes you can, however its very intermittent video because the WiFi tend to buffer frames..

Matt Maser

Quick question on the QR Y100: Can you fly with a traditional radio like the Devo4 and also connect via wireless with android for video feed?


Greg Lepidi

Hi Bo I subscribed to your YouTube channel and enjoy your videos your a interesting chap and fun to watch and learn from I'm just getting interested in RF drones and don't have one yet this would be a great begining I emailed you for the contest for this. I'll be watching, thank you

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