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Bo Lorentzen

Hey Ola Bola, the radio should not change mode, do a email or call to your retailer to have that fixed, unfortunately I do not have experience with changing mode on the radio.

Ola Bola

Hello everyone,
Can you please help me on how to make my Hubsan X4 H107
Transmitter works better or re-calibrated to factory settings.
My Transmitter is Mode 1 (i.e. Right Hand Throttle)
Problem: After binding the Quad with the Transmitter, it is the Elevator that acts as Throttle.
Can you help on how to re-configure it back to factory settings.

Bo Lorentzen

LOL Mark, thats exactly what Im thinking, that bike looks very cool.


Very interesting show Bo. Wish they had done a little more about the other guy's flying motorcycle though.. Lol Nice..

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