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Jonathan Ott

Frank, in reference to your post on 3/24/2017, Headplay has this message in their Quick Start Guide for the Headplay SE goggle (https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54dd8a95e4b03fb98aad7345/t/58d437c137c5818457fd0489/1490302915142/headplay+SE+manual+v1.1.pdf): Warning: holding the SOURCE button longer than 5 seconds will access the factory menu. This menu
can be used to adjust advanced settings like overscan. Do NOT toggle the burn mode ON, as this will
lock the goggles into a special test mode. The only way to exit burn mode is to refresh the firmware
(requires USB update cable and disassembling the goggles)

Bo Lorentzen

Hey Frank,

Unfortunately I dont have any experience with removing the blue screen, I seem to remember there were a how-to on RCgroups at some point.


Does any one know how to get rid of the burn screen feature. I made the mistake of engaging it and now i cant get back to the menu. I turn it on and have a blue-red-green-white screen. Can anyone help me?

Bo Lorentzen

Hey Joshua,
Very good point, the HeadPlays are still great goggles, but very slick offerings like Walkera's Goggle4 is giving them a run for the money at this time.

Joshua Curtiss

Hello, i'm curious: how do you feel your review holds in 2016? Is this still a fantastic option for the $200-$250 price range?

Bo Lorentzen

No particular purpose for the GoPro mount, the makers of the HeadPlay found that they could buy dirt cheap head-straps that apparently was manufactured originally for GoPro head mounts. nothing more exciting than that. :-)


What is the purpose of the go pro mount thing on the back strap?

Bo Lorentzen

Hey Lucky, the VueLX1 is really just a pre-made quanum goggle, the real difference will depend on what receiver and screen you buy to stick in it, or if you go the stock route.


Hey Bo I tried searching the net but couldn't find a comparison of the vue vx1 vs. the quanum v2. Any input you have in this matter? Cheers.

Bo Lorentzen

Hey Bolex (camera?)
The goggles are working perfect, however your camera use WiFi for transmitting the video, you can not see the CG02 camera video using goggles.. ;-)


Hello, I tested changing all frequencies and bands that allows the selector Headplay HD without achieving results, the frequency range of my camera: 5745MHz-5825MHz, model CGO2.

Thank you very much for your help!!

Bo Lorentzen

Hey Martin, I just the first latency test, and its very acceptable. so Im good with recommending the VX1's personally i would probably order directly from VueXL


Hi Bo I just watched your interview with Brandon product looks great just what I've been looking for to give my first try with FPV. Do you have any quick comments as I would like to get my order in and in line for shipping. Would you recommend the Vue web site or get FPV site to make my purchase.

Bo Lorentzen

Hey Martin, Yes a full review is on the way, I should have the interview posted later today on my YouTube channel, and are getting a review sample this week, should be having a detailed review online end of week and also a blog post with more pictures.


Hi Bo Will you be doing a full review of the VueXL? Did you happen to ask when they will be
Available. Please let me know if they would de a good choice and value.


Bo Lorentzen

Hey Martin, Funny you should ask... I have a pair on my desk and spend the morning chatting with Brandon the designer of the VX1. The VX1's are great. no blue-screen, and easy to use. literally only one button. its auto-scan, so you click on AUTO and it will start scanning until you find your quad, if you find somebody else first, simply press again to keep scanning.


Hi Bo I was wondering if you have seen the VueXL VX1 FPV Head set and perhaps have an opinion on them. I have been looking at the HeadPlay but they seem to out of stock and these have been on
Pre order for some time still trying to decide on my first try at FPV.


Bo Lorentzen

Hey Martin, YES the HeadPlay works great with the RUNNER250,
*Ps check the link in the blog post and make sure to upgrade your HeadPlay firmware to avoid the blue screen ;-)


Hey Bo Its Martin from Canada do you think Headplay is compatible with the Walkera 250 Runner stock Tx 5816 transmitter. I want to try FPV for the first time but not investing a large amount Of money.


Michael Vasovski

I'm in for one!

FWIW, the American Society of Cinematographers, during the advent of HD cinematography, ran a large number of tests to compare HD with 35mm film. One interesting aspect of HD was that the human eye seemed to be unable to perceive (motion) resolution beyond 720P. When it was a static image, such as the computer screen you're looking at right now, the more resolution the better. But when it came to a camera following a soccer player around a field, there was no point in using cameras greater than 720.

I'll buy a Headplay. But when they start getting into 1080P for twice the price, I'll have no problem saying no.



Thanks for the write-up! For trasmitting HD Video my project might be of interest to you:

See you.

lee jong tak

I would like to get the HeadPlay HD FPV troubleshooting.
I ask with the number sales agent mail repaired.
At Korea.
The Jongtak-Lee.

Bo Lorentzen

That sounds like a good size, I have started looking for thing ones about 3-4 feet to get a little less cable. but am using my inspire with the FatShark HD's

Lee Barret

I was able to find a nice quality HDMI Mini to HDMI mini 6' cable today on Amazon, about $20 shipped free. I also found a 3' OK Mini o Mini at a Uber-Elect shop for $7. So I finally got that issue to rest...

Bo Lorentzen

Hey Lee, Glad you got the HeadPlays fixed up.
for the cable eBay is your friend. ;-) I got both mini-mini and mini-micro HDMI cables easily from eBay. there is also in production now a actual FatShark labeled mini-micro for FatShark HD's with inspire-1

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