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Bo Lorentzen

Good Morning Vincent, just rename it to dot txt :-)

Vincent Jeannerot

Thank you for this article. How do you recover GPS data from the UPF folder? The.dat file opens with what?
Thank you. Thank you.

Bo Lorentzen

Hey Konrad,
CityStreets and car-parks are no problem. but if you get into narrow spaces at albertsons groceries, then you are going to have some problem stitches. that said. I have shot a series of restaurant jobs without problems, just tried to not get smack on top of tables and chair backs in the frame kinda.
Hope this helps.

Konrad Roberts

Excellent detail in your review and only review on the web apart from Mic Ty of 360 Rumours and he is a fan but not as much detail as this, so thanks, I am keen now.

However I have a query re appropriate distances as mentioned in your review as follows:

"soo wide spaces, narrow shop isles is virtually impossible with this camera. but thats OK. just remember where it works and use another camera for narrow spaces."

Would you recommend using in City Streets or large car parks referring to your wide spaces remark above.

Thanks again for the excellent review.

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